About Our Venue

Nestled in the heart of Melbourne city since 2014, our mission is to provide artists and dancers with an open, inclusive, and creative space that fosters the exchange and development of arts and culture.

Our facility

Our facility boasts dance equipment and technical support, including: 

– Main studio (10m x 6m) equipped with full-length mirrors and curtains
– Practice studio (7m x 3.5m) equipped with full-length mirrors
– Sound and lighting systems
– Changing room

Hiring/Collaboration Conditions (for public art events)

Our space is designed to inspire creative thinking, support artistic creation, and offer a diverse platform for artists and dancers to explore, experiment, and showcase their work. 

Currently, the venue operates on an invite-only basis for any public outcomes to be  presented at the studios. We encourage artists and organisation to submit their project proposals via EOI to realise their creative and artistic goals within our space. If interested in collaborating, please submit your project proposal and relevant information via email.

*Note that each proposal will be evaluated based on its artistic value, innovation, and alignment with our mission.

For any inquiries or to learn more about us or the studio space, please contact us.

Program & Past Works Archive

We curate a variety of programs and events designed to celebrate the diversity of art and encourage collaboration among artists.

Current Season

五行 The Five Elements [Co-tempORaRY]

Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth, known as 五行 Wuxing, are the basic constructive elements under from ancient Chinese philosophy. The interactions between the five elements are believed to exist in between and inside everything, including human beings.

“Wuxing”, as an essential component of Chinese culture, was used by the ancients to explain the origins and transformations of all things in the universe. 

The elements of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth are interconnected in a delicate balance of creation and destruction, love and hate, with interpretations varying vastly between ancient and modern times.

Whilst contemporary dance, drawing from the body’s interaction with the external world and the transmission of flowing energy, shares this same “inarticulable” yet fascinating quality.

Join us for our reimagined performance of our “五行 Five Elements (2018)”, together we explore the essence of symbiosis and antagonism through realms of five elements.

(Earlybird ends Sept 12, Enter promo code: Wuxing24 before checkout!)


2024 Melbourne Fringe,Co-tempORaRY将以以三人现代舞之形再次重构《五行The Five Elements》(2018 Fringe Permiere),相生相克、旧意新意渐次萌生。





"量子纠缠 Quantum Entanglement" Dance Showcase

The JMC 2024 May “Zero-Point Energy” Showcase has successfully concluded, and the October “Quantum Entanglement” Dance Showcase is about to begin!

A wide range of performance courses are now being offered, giving participants the opportunity to perform in the October showcase.

If you are interested, please message us directly on Instagram @jmcdancelab for more information.

JMC 2024 五月 《零点能量》Showcase 已圆满落幕,十月《量子纠缠》Dance Showcase即将开启!


感兴趣可以咨询JMC客服微信:jmcdance 获得更多信息。

Previous Programs Archive

28/7/2024 Kpop Random Play Dance

Kpop Random Play Dance 28/07/2024 Sun. 6:30-7:30PM at JMC Dance Lab 🎵 Random K-POP songs will be played. Participants can step up and dance to


2024 July OPEN WEEK Promotion JMC Dance Lab (22/07/2024 – 28/07/2024) JMC OPEN WEEK Promotion 🔔🎡 Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth — Five elements with

melbourne winter season dance course

Winter Season

Special season to elevate dance skills with our expert instructors.

Dance to Reborn

‘Dance to Reborn’ Easter Boost Promotion. 29th March – 7th April 2024.